Nábrežie Ivana Krasku 2
921 01 Piešťany
Slovenská republika
48°59’52.643’’ N
17°84’01.802’’ E
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Nábrežie Ivana Krasku 2
921 01 Piešťany
Slovenská republika
48°59’52.643’’ N
17°84’01.802’’ E
How to reach us from both directions:
Take exit 84 from the D1 motorway from Bratislava, direction Piešt'any. Continue along Vrbovská cesta and Krajinská Street via the roundabout 2.3 km. At the traffic lights turn left onto Bratislavská Street. Continue along Bratislavská Street. then follow Žilinská cesta for 2.4 km. At the Fiat shop turn right onto Pod Párovcami Street (the last right turn before the exit from the town). Turn slightly to the right and follow the street Pod Párovcami for 1 km. After the Jampa guesthouse turn left onto Valova Street. Turn slightly left and follow Valova Street for 150 m. Turn right onto Emila Belluša Street (one-way road). Continue along Emilia Belluša Street for 400 m. At the end of Emila Belluša Street turn right onto Nábrežie I. Krasku. Continue along Nábreží I. Krasku for 700 m. Hotel Park is on your right.
Take exit 61 from the D1 motorway from Žilina, direction Piešt'any. Continue along the first class road No. 61 for 5.1 km. At the Fiat shop, turn left onto Pod Párovcami Street (the first left turn after entering the town). Turn slightly to the right and follow the street Pod Párovcami for 1 km. After the Jampa guesthouse turn left onto Valova Street. Turn slightly left and follow Valova Street for 150 m. Turn right onto Emila Belluša Street (one-way road). Continue along Emilia Belluša Street for 400 m. At the end of Emila Belluša Street turn right onto Nábrežie I. Krasku. Continue along Nábreží I. Krasku for 700 m. Hotel Park is on your right.