The benefits of laser therapy
A light therapy that uses radiation on one wavelength. A narrow beam of this monochromatic radiation (in one wavelength) penetrates into the tissues of the skin and mucous membranes. The laserbeam has high energy. When it is applied, blood circulation in the tissue increases, wound healing is accelerated and pain is reduced. An important effect of laser therapy is also anti-inflammatory. The procedure takes 3– 5 minutes.
Joint pain (arthritis), rheumatic and degenerative diseases, spinal pains, neuralgia, herpes, stretching syndromes, post-traumatic and postoperative conditions.
Infectious conditions and fever, epilepsy, malignant tumors, metal implants at the application site. The treatment will not irradiate the eyes, thyroid gland, growth zones in children, abdomen and lumbar part during pregnancy.