Whole body peeling

The benefits of the whole body peeling peeling - Piešťany

It is a pleasant procedure to regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. During this therapeutic and relaxing procedure, the masseur carries out gentle massages
all over the body with massage oil with the addition of finely crushed sea salt and grapefruit oil. Sea salt crystals exfoliate the skin, stripping it of dead particles and thus make it smoother, softer and hydrated. The peeling has a purifying effect and at the same time provides the skin with minerals. The procedure has an anti-stress and relaxing effect. Lasts 20 minutes.

Alleviation and signs of aging, thickened and dry skin, superficial scars and unevenness of the skin, acne condition.
Active herpes, inflammatory and infectious diseases, fever, eczema, pregnancy, breast-feeding, fresh scars and wounds on the skin.



